HACKvent 2022

HACKvent2022 is history!

This was my first serious run at this challenge. I always enjoyed little hack-its and even solved a few challenges on hack the box, but never managed to do things like exploiting heap / stack on my own or even get that far with perfect score (solving all the challenges in the allocated time) or even solve all of them at all.

I learned so many things over the last month and am trying to do this write-up as understandable as possible to give a little bit back to the community.

This year was special for me, since I solved all the challenges (except one) on time and received the top scorer badge since I have the same amount of points as the 10th.

score board after challenge has ended

Update: If you factor in the writeups, I’m actually on place 7 now:

score, including writeups

I also got awarded two badges:

HACKvent Top Scorer 2022

HACKvent Top Scorer 2022

This golden badge is a tribute to all HACKvent top players and acknowledges excellent hands-on skills and in-depth knowledge in various cyber security and information technology related problem domains such as programming, automation, computer networks, blockchain, reversing, exploitation, operating system security architecture, etc.

HACKvent Solver 2022

HACKvent Solver 2022

This silver batch gets awarded to players who demonstrate expertise by solving puzzles and as a recognition of their urge to get hands on cyber security topics. In addition, this badge highlights the exceptional self-taught skills of capture-the-flag (CTF) players.


[HV22.01] QR means quick reactions, right?

HV22 CTF fun easy python qr

[HV22.02] Santa's song

HV22 CTF fun easy music

[HV22.03] gh0st

HV22 CTF fun crypto easy python

[HV22.04] Santa's radians

HV22 CTF fun easy python

[HV22.05] Missing gift

HV22 CTF network fun forensic easy

[HV22.06] privacy isn't given

HV22 CTF exploitation easy python web3

[HV22.07] St. Nicholas's animation

HV22 CTF fun easy qr


[HV22.08] Santa's Virus

HV22 CTF osint medium

[HV22.09] Santa's Text

HV22 CTF penetration medium exploit reverse shell

[HV22.10] Notme

HV22 CTF web medium

[HV22.12] Funny SysAdmin

HV22 CTF linux medium shell escape

[HV22.13] Noty

HV22 CTF web medium prototype pollution

[HV22.14] Santa's Bank

HV22 CTF web medium xss xsrf cors


[HV22.15] Message from Space

HV22 CTF wireless forensic hard signal analysis urh

[HV22.16] Needle in a qrstack

HV22 CTF fun hard qr

[HV22.17] Santa's Sleigh

HV22 CTF forensic reverse engineering hard signal

[HV22.18] Santa's Nice List

HV22 CTF crypto hard zip bruteforce

[HV22.19] Re-Entry to Nice List 2

HV22 CTF exploitation hard web3

[HV22.20] § 1337: Use Padding 📝

HV22 CTF crypto hard aes python ecb

[HV22.21] Santa's Workshop

HV22 CTF exploit hard heap leak

[HV22.25] Santa's Prophesy

HV22 CTF forensic programming web ai hard


[HV22.22] Santa's UNO flag decrypt0r

HV22 CTF reverse engineering leet arduino

[HV22.23] Code but no code

HV22 CTF exploitation crypto leet web3

[HV22.24] It's about time for some RSA

HV22 CTF reverse engineering crypto leet


[HV22.H1] Santa's Secret

HV22 CTF fun easy hidden

[HV22.H2] The Elves's Secret

HV22 CTF fun medium aws hidden

[HV22.H3] Ruprecht's Secret

HV22 CTF fun hard hidden web3 osint