[HV22.13] Noty
After the previous fiasco with multiple bugs in Notme (some intended and some not), Santa released a now truly secure note taking app for you. Introducing: Noty, a fixed version of Notme.
Also Santa makes sure that this service runs on green energy. No pollution from this app ;)
Oh, a follow up to HV22.10, very nice! Of course I looked at the previous path of altering a password for someone else, but unfortunately, this doesn’t work out. So next thing is SQL injection. SQLmap didn’t find anything, so I think that’s not it, again.
Back to the description, I wondered about the green energy and pollution notice. Since almost all of the challenges usually run in docker, I don’t think there is a difference, so it has to be a hint. Googling for “web pollution security”, I found prototype pollution quite fast and learned about this interesting technique. This article was my main source: Prototype Pollution attack on NodeJS applications
It looks like by messing with __proto__
, I can deform python objects quite easily. So the challenge is basically to find out which attributes I have to modify in order to make it do what I want to do. The problem with this is, that whenever I break something else, the whole application is broken and I had to restart the docker container, register a new user and start again.
To ease the pain, I found that Burp’s proxy allows for interception, where I can simply use the browser to trigger the API, modify the request in Burp and then fire it to the API.
After playing around a while, I found that the user object (GET /api/user/me) seems to have a field called “role”, where my account is a “user”. I wonder how this might turn out if I were “admin” instead.
Using the intercept function, I altered the web request and modify the prototype like that:
POST /api/register HTTP/2
Host: 7395944f-b303-49a5-91f7-86823f301cbe.idocker.vuln.land
"__proto__": {
"role": "admin"
This allows me to log in as the user b
and reveals the flag HV22{P0luT1on_1S_B4d_3vERyWhere}