[HV22.16] Needle in a qrstack

2 minute read

Santa has lost his flag in a qrstack - it is really like finding a needle in a haystack.

Can you help him find it?


This one was fun, indeed! We get a 8.1M .png file with lot’s of QR codes in it:

huge qr code consisting of many small qr codes

The idea is simple. Split the file into smaller chunks and let a python QR scanner handle the rest. Since the QR codes come in different sizes, we simply do that multiple times. I fired up gimp to get the coordinates of the biggest code (to remove the border) and counted the sizes of the different sized QR codes. Then I found a function online which splits the image in a grid in given size, and created a function to scan each one of them, printing the flag when found and that’s it.

While doing that, I noticed that pyzbar has issues with scanning a QR code without a border around it, so I made a function to create a border around each of the extracted tiles to make pyzbars job easier.

In the end, I added some timing information since in the solvers chat, a war about shortest run times broke out. It even got that far that the image loading was the slowest part.

Anyhow, here is my unoptimized code:

import cv2
from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode
import numpy as np
import time
import math

def img_to_grid(img, size):
    ww = [[i.min(), i.max()+1]
          for i in np.array_split(range(img.shape[0]), size)]
    hh = [[i.min(), i.max()+1]
          for i in np.array_split(range(img.shape[1]), size)]
    grid = [img[j:jj, i:ii, :] for j, jj in ww for i, ii in hh]
    return grid, len(ww), len(hh)

def add_border(img, width):
    borderImg = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, top=width, bottom=width, left=width,
                                   right=width, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[255, 255, 255])
    return borderImg

def scan_grid(grid, max, startTime):
    scannedTiles = 0
    detectedCodes = 0
    for i in range(max):
        scannedTiles += 1
        decoded = decode(add_border(grid[0][i], 60))
        detectedCodes += len(decoded)
        for code in decoded:
            if code.data == b'Sorry, no flag here!':
                f"[+] found flag {code.data} after {(time.time() - startTime):.2f} seconds")
            cv2.imwrite('./16/solved.png', add_border(grid[0][i], 60))
        f"[ ] scanned {scannedTiles:6} tiles and detected {detectedCodes:5} codes for {20000 / math.sqrt(len(grid[0])):3.0f}px resolution, now at {(time.time() - startTime):6.2f} seconds")
    return (scannedTiles, detectedCodes)

def run():
    start = time.time()
    img = cv2.imread('./16/resources/haystack.png')
    print(f"[ ] image loading took {(time.time() - start):.2f} seconds")
    codes = img[2400:22400, 2400:22400]
    scannedTiles = 0
    detectedCodes = 0
    for size in [25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800]:
        grid = img_to_grid(codes, size)
        tiles, detCodes = scan_grid(grid, len(grid[0]), start)
        scannedTiles += tiles
        detectedCodes += detCodes
        f"[ ] end. scanned {scannedTiles} tiles and detected {detectedCodes} codes in {(time.time() - start):.2f} seconds in total")


And my timing information ;)

timing and flag

Got the flag after just above 2 minutes and finished all QR codes () after about 6 minutes. Quite okay for my taste HV22{1'm_y0ur_need13.} is the flag.
